Winter Safety for Cats: Protecting Your Feline from Cold and Snow

Though many cat owners think of their cats as indoor pets, the truth is that many cats love to spend time outdoors. That time outside gives them the opportunity to explore the world around them—checking out new sights, textures, and smells—it’s all part of a cat’s natural instincts.

But whether your cat likes to spend time outdoors or prefers to stay cozy in the house, we encourage pet owners to know what to do as far as how to keep cats warm in winter. Just as with humans, those winter months can get chilly and sometimes downright brutal. And cats in winter experience some of those same feelings. While they might not want to cozy up under a blanket like you do, they still want to keep warm.

How to Keep Cats Warm in Winter

We all know that when winter rolls around, the temperatures drop. In the southern states, those temperatures might only dip a few degrees on average. But to the north, temperatures can dip into the teens, and sometimes lower. Even those who love winter the most will feel that winter chill in their bones. Plus, have you ever noticed how your joints, especially those fingers and toes, just don’t work as well as they do when it’s warm?

For your cat, it’s really no different. Sure, they have that healthy fur coat and are typically resilient creatures, but we promise—they feel the cold, too. In fact, temperatures below 45℉ can be quite uncomfortable if not dangerous for your feline companion.

So, what can you do? We’ve got some tips to help cats in winter stay happy and healthy all season long.

  • Winter Cat Shelter

If your cat simply loves it outdoors and wants to get their fill of fresh air and nature, the last thing you want to do is prevent them from happening. But, you also want to make it a safe and comfortable experience. That’s why building a winter cat shelter in the yard can be such a great idea. 

To create a cozy shelter, start with a sturdy plastic storage bin or wooden box, making sure it’s big enough for your cat to move around but small enough to trap their body heat. Line the inside with straw, which is a better insulator than blankets or towels, as it doesn’t retain moisture. Cut an entrance hole just big enough for your cat to fit through, keeping it small to block cold drafts. Position the shelter in a quiet, protected spot, such as near a wall or under a porch, where it can be shielded from wind and heavy snowfall. Adding a flap over the entrance can also help keep the warmth inside while still allowing your cat easy access.

  • Insulated Cat House

Want to take that outdoor shelter to the next level? Challenge accepted! And we’re not just talking about throwing some insulation into a cat house. There’s a bit more to it than that. Here’s how to do it the right way.  

Start with a sturdy structure, such as a pre-made outdoor cat house for winter or a DIY project using materials like wood or plastic. Add insulation to the walls, roof, and floor using rigid foam panels or weatherproof thermal blankets. To keep your cat warm and dry, line the floor with straw and raise the house slightly off the ground to avoid moisture. 

Include a small, well-sealed doorway to help retain heat, and consider adding a removable roof for easy cleaning and maintenance.

  • Heated Cat Beds

Once your favorite feline has come in from the cold, they’re most likely going to want to find a warm place to bring up their body temperature. Just like you love to snuggle in a cozy bed, your cat will appreciate their own heated cat bed. 

The great news is that these cat beds are so easy to find. Simply do a search online or head to your favorite pet store to see what they have in stock. Once you get home and have the cat bed set up, why not kick up your feet on the couch and relax, donning your own Meowy Christmas custom cat sweater? We all know that cozy sweaters are the absolute best on a cold winter day.

  • Sunny Spots 

Cats love to seek out the sun. And, those warm rays of sunshine coming through the window even on a cold day are a cat’s paradise. So, make sure those spots are easily accessible throughout the day. Place a comfy bed or blanket near the window, and if you have multiple sunny rooms, set up a few cozy spots to give your cat options. A favorite sunny perch near one of your pet portraits can create a warm, picture-perfect spot for your feline to lounge.

  • Elevated Cat Perch

Want to make it easier for your kitty to indulge in the sun while indoors? Invest in an elevated cat perch. These perches give your cat the perfect view of their surroundings while providing a warm and sunny place to relax. It’s a thoughtful Christmas gift for your feline friend that they’ll adore year-round. 

And while you’re at it, why not treat yourself with something from Crown and Paw’s dogs and cats Christmas gifts collection? A personalized pet portrait might just be the perfect way to celebrate your beloved kitty this holiday season!

Make it a Priority to Keep Your Cat Safe and Warm During the Winter

We know how much you love your cat. But, it can be easy to overlook the hazards of winter when it comes to your pet. Despite that thick and gorgeous coat of fur, your cat can only handle so much cold weather. So, be sure to try out some of our suggestions, especially if your favorite feline likes to head outside during the day.

Pay attention to the temperature and make sure that your kitty has a few places outside to keep warm if they simply don’t want to come in yet. And never leave your home when your cat is outside. This is dangerous for so many reasons, and cold weather can be deadly when your cat is exposed for too long. 

In the meantime, we hope you all stay warm during the cold winter months. Whether you are a cat lover, dog lover, or both, staying warm, happy, and healthy, is what it’s all about.